Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey questions listed below.

7.14 Spot 1

Please rate each moderation change based on your experience in the forums
Very Important Somewhat important Doesn't matter to me Somewhat against the change Strongly against the change
Remove negative posts about hosts
Remove negative posts about brands or on-air guests
Remove negative posts directed at other Community members

Remove negative posts about hosts

Remove negative posts about brands or on-air guests

Remove negative posts directed at other Community members

OPTIONAL: Please share any additional comments you have about the moderation of the Community Forums. After typing your response use the TAB key on your keyboard or use your mouse to go to the next question. Please do not hit the ENTER key as you will exit the survey.

At times a forum discussion starts out good and then takes a turn and becomes a bad discussion that is no longer a respectful conversation between Community members. How would you like these discussions addressed?

OPTIONAL: Please share any additional comments you have about the moderation of a topic that starts out good and then takes a negative turn. After typing your response use the TAB key on your keyboard or use your mouse to go to the next question. Please do not hit the ENTER key as you will exit the survey.

Some forum discussions have been in existence for years with 1000's of replies. Below are options to address this concern, please choose one.

OPTIONAL: Please share any additional comments you have about the option to close a discussion that has been in existence for a long time or has accumulated a lot of replies. After typing your response use the TAB key on your keyboard or use your mouse to go to the next question. Please do not hit the ENTER key as you will exit the survey.

QVC Employees who are clearly identified with a QVC logo should be allowed to __________

OPTIONAL: Please share any additional comments you have about QVC employees commenting in the forums. After typing your response use the TAB key on your keyboard or use your mouse to go to the next question. Please do not hit the ENTER key as you will exit the survey.

There is a page that lists the Community Members that are currently logged in to the QVC Forums. It was brought to our attention that this page is not wanted because it is used in a negative way. Do you want this page removed?

OPTIONAL: Please share your email address with us if you are willing to answer additional questions we might have.

OPTIONAL: Please share your name with us.

Thanks for participating in our survey to make your forum experience better!